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Climate Change and Policy

April 16, 2010

Climate change is real and affecting on our world and presently governments around the world want to think of ways to limit green house gasses (GHGs) emissions and thus limit your prosperity.  Like it or not GHGs are necessary for human development and for prosperity.  What I speak out against is the force feeding of climate change alarmism rhetoric down our throats.  Leaders continue to speak of dooms day scenarios and the large scale destruction of areas of the world and yet there is no conclusive evidence of any of it.  In a previous post I spoke of the Copenhagen talks and how a report was obtained from the EPA that said their models failed on many grounds to take into account various factors that impact weather and temperature.  In short the models were unrealistic.  Then “climate gate” happened which further proved that the science that links our current climate changes with man-made GHGs is inconclusive.  If the evidence for what is causing climate change is so inconclusive why are governments continually saying it is conclusive and there is a scientific consensus?  While I do not want to say governments are being blatantly dishonest I will say that the potential tax revenues and limits that can be placed on countries provide a perverse incentive to be dishonest.

There have been periods of warming and cooling for decades including this one yet climate change today is being framed as a human exterminating force.  The reality is that it will not result in what they say.  The models are still not correct and do not take into account various factors that can influence temperature.  The environmentalist movement and various interest groups are pushing hard for these policies to benefit certain companies and individuals and it has become a political tool for candidates.  If you want to make a difference please do so but do not force everyone to play along.  As I pointed out in my previous post on climate change and the Copenhagen talks climate change has become a circus in which the political leaders of the world perform for incentives and favors at the detriment of others.  I will close with a quote on bumper sticker I noticed recently that reads,”I’m an environmentalist but not the anti-human collectivist kind.”

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